Τhere are two types of products available for scanning and inspecting the integrity of belt conveyors.
1. X-ray inspection system, for steel cord conveyor belts.
The first type is designed to scan and inspect only steel cord belts. It can detect faults in steel cords with regard to general wear and tear, breaks, rust/corrosion, bends, splicing faults etc. Its main aim is to alleviate the risk of sudden catastrophic failure and thus aids in prolonging the life of the belt by at least 25%. It detects faults in the belt in real-time allowing the operator to immediately stop the operation of the conveyor belt. The system is usually installed near the driving pulley.
2. X-ray inspection system, for non steel cord conveyor belts.
The second type of system can be used with all types of conveyor belts and assists in preventing failure of the conveyor belt by 24h monitoring. The system’s main aim is to stop the operation of the belt conveyor in case of critical fault detection. Thus the danger of catastrophic failure may be alleviated. The system is usually installed near the driving pulley.